I'm New Here
At 10am on Sundays, we settle down (on Zoom) to listen deeply for the "still, small voice" of the Divine in our midst. At some point, someone will probably share a message they've received.
About 20 minutes in, the kids head out for their religious education classes.
We do this for about an hour, then we share our joys (prayers of thanks) and concerns (prayer requests) with the community.
If you arrive a little early, you'll find us calling out favorite songs from our song book and having a sing-a-long. Please join in!
On Wednesdays at 7:30pm, we do Bible study, using the Illuminate Friends bible study curriculum.
- What should I wear? Wear whatever you're comfortable in. Some of us wear t-shirts and jeans. Some of us wear button-up shirts and slacks or skirts. It's fine.
- Is the building wheelchair accessible? There is a ramp for the first floor, but we have not yet completed renovations to allow wheelchair access to the social hall where we have lunch after meeting for worship.
- What's the parking situation? We have a small lot reserved for visitors and people with mobility impairments. Most of us park on the street.
- Where should I sit? Anywhere. There are no reserved seats.
- Who's the pastor? We don't have a pastor. Instead, we believe we all have direct access to the Divine and that we are all responsible for caring for each other. We organize ourselves into committees to make sure things get done. These committees have clerks who make sure we stick to the agenda and moderate discussion, trying to tease out when we're all saying the same things in different words. When we are in unity, the decision is reached. That's how our monthly congregational business meetings are done too. Arthur Karpas is the current Clerk.
- Why do you call it a meetinghouse instead of a church? We reserve the word "Church" for the worldwide body of believers, not for a building. This is the house in which we meet for worship. Thus, it is a meetinghouse, and what we're doing on Sunday mornings is meeting for worship.
- Where can I learn more about Quakers? Every month during the school year, we have an adult religious education session, and every fall we offer a 6-week newcomers class. During your visit, be sure to check out our library. Plus, the helpful folks at QuakerSpeak have produced more great videos like the one above. We also recommend browsing Friends Journal.
- How do you make decisions? The central principle of Quaker discernment is listening for the guidance of the Spirit. This principle means that Quaker decision-making is fundamentally different from other ways we have learned to make decisions – such as by majority rule, consensus, or compromise. See a longer explanation of our discernment process.