The purposes of the AFM aid fund are to provide financial assistance: 1) so recipients can attend conferences and workshops they would otherwise be unable to afford; 2) so recipients can meet basic living expenses (Sharing fund);  and 3) for hardship occasioned by obedience to the leadings of God’s spirit or to conscience consistent with Quaker testimonies (Sufferings fund). Note that BYM camps have switched to a "pay-as-led" system, so AFM assistance is not available to individuals attending them; instead, Adelphi provides support directly to the BYM camping program to support the camps.

The aid fund is overseen by an ad hoc committee consisting of the meeting clerk, the finance committee clerk, and the pastoral care committee clerk, or their designees. The treasurer administers the fund and serves as an ex-officio member of the oversight committee.

Anyone seeking assistance to attend a conference or workshop should contact the treasurer or a member of the oversight committee.

Anyone needing assistance from the Sharing fund or the Sufferings fund should speak to a member of the pastoral care committee or the oversight committee. The clerk of the pastoral care committee will be responsible for ensuring an appropriate response.

If the resident seeks assistance from the aid fund, she or he should go through the resident's support committee, who in turn will carry the request to the oversight committee.

Guiding principles for conference and workshop assistance:

  1. Applicants for aid should have a significant connection to Adelphi Friends Meeting.
  2. Adelphi Friends Meeting should benefit, broadly defined, from the activity.
  3. The activity should provide an opportunity for the applicant's spiritual growth.
  4. The applicant (or his/her parent in the case of a child) affirms that the family is in need of financial assistance from AFM.

Requests meeting the above four criteria, plus the following four, are eligible for a “streamlined application” meaning that the treasurer has the authority to disburse appropriate funds without first consulting the oversight committee:

  1. The applicant is a member or attender of AFM.
  2. The request is for no more than one quarter of the total fees. The applicant is expected to take full advantage of early registration or similar discounts.
  3. The applicant (child or adult) is attending (1) a Quaker camp under the care of a Meeting or a camp run by a Quaker school as long as the fees are roughly equivalent to the BYM camps; (2) BYM annual sessions; or (3) the FGC Gathering.  Note that FGC, and other Quaker organizations, are moving to "pay-as-led" systems, so these will not be eligible for support from AFM.
  4. For non-camp requests, the applicant has not received similar assistance from AFM more than twice in the last three years.

Requests for assistance that do not meet the conditions for streamlined application will be considered by the oversight committee on a case-by-case basis and may take longer to process.

The treasurer will keep a history of fund use and make regular reports to the oversight committee and the finance committee about monies disbursed. Personal details for aid requests will be kept confidential and private as much as possible.

Last updated 1/10/2024

Weekly Schedule


9:45 singing
10:00 worship
11:15 lunch break
12:15 second hour program


12:00 worship
7:30 Bible study


📍 2303 Metzerott Rd
Adelphi, MD 20783

📱 (301) 445-1114